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Betz, Hans-Georg.  1994. Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe.    Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Kitschelt, Herbert, and Anthony J. McGann.  1995.  The Radical Right in  

   Western Europe : A Comparative Analysis.  Ann Arbor: University of


Norris, Pippa.  2005.  Radical Right : Voters and Parties in the Electoral

   Market.  Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Mudde, Cas.  2007.  Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe.  Cambridge:

   Cambridge University Press.


Andersen, Jørgen Goul, and Tor Bjørklund.  1990.  "Structural Changes

   and New Cleavages: The Progress Parties in Denmark and Norway."  

   Acta Sociologica 33: 195-217.


Flecker, Jörg.  2007.  Changing Working Life and the Appeal of the

   Extreme Right, Contemporary Employment Relations.  

   Aldershot: Ashgate.


Flanagan, S.C., and A.R. Lee.  2003.  "The New Politics, Culture Wars,

   and the Authoritarian-Libertarian Value Change in Advanced Industrial

   Democracies."  Comparative Political Studies 36: 235-70.

Stubager, R.  2008.  "Education Effects on Authoritarian–Libertarian

   Values: A Question of Socialization1."  

   The British journal of sociology 59: 327-50.

Kriesi, H.  2010.  "Restructuration of Partisan Politics and the

    Emergence of a New Cleavage Based on Values."  

    West European Politics 33: 673-85.

Stubager, R.  2010.  "The Development of the Education Cleavage:

    Denmark as a Critical Case."  West European Politics 33: 505-33.


